Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Purging and De-toxing

A friend told me about this book by Raleigh Briggs. She originally gave me a homemade bleach recipe and said she got it from this book. I hopped on Amazon and ordered it. It's only $7 bucks new. (no, i'm not being paid for this). There are tons of great homemade recipes for health & first aid, non-toxic cleaning and body care...then a whole section about gardening. Even how to build a raised bed. It's very basic and doesn't go over my head. I'm not sure about doing a garden this year...but I have hope that...maybe...someday. I have a black thumb and kill everything green. I may even try to make my own deodorant...yikes! I've also been purging our home. We are planning on having a yard sale this Saturday...maybe? If it doesn't rain and is not cold.
I've been listing stuff on ebay and craigslist. (That's the Dave Ramsey in me) So, if we have a yard sale and if you want to come, email me.

Here's a recipe for Homemade Bleach: (This is a great alternative to bleach when washing your white slipcovers)

1 cup hydrogen peroxide
3 T lemon juice
15 cups water
-mix all ingredients together and keep in a large jug.


  1. is this the book with Brandy's deodorant recipe? I need that recipe.

  2. yes...but she added organic unrefined coconut oil. i'll email you the recipe.

  3. That book sounds great. I'm purging, too, because we're moving and we also are having a yard sale Saturday. lol I haven't listed anything on Craigslist yet. I really should do that.

  4. Pink, you made my day with this recipe...I HATE using bleach...It scares me...:) This will be one I will be trying and I will be purchasing that book! Thank you, Honey! Meme

  5. Great tip, thank you! :) Bleach makes me feel queasy when I clean with it.

  6. My best friend makes homemade deodorant and it is FABULOUS at killing underarm odor - for days. The problem is that there isn't an anti-perspirant part to is a combination of baking soda, coconut oil, and tea tree oil.

    As for purging, I am about to get SERIOUS about paring down. Spring is here.

  7. Sounds like an awesome book...I think I'll get one.
    WE have to purge the house too, and have a yard sale. Probably won't fit in our schedule for a few more weeks. Wish we were neighbors, then we could do it together! You Go girl! Wish you success.

  8. I will be trying this! (:

  9. gosh it is $5 today! yippee, i hope i don't get creamed in s&h!!

  10. i have started de-toxing our home recently too. i have a recipe for dishwasher detergent that is pretty good, check it out!

  11. I'm ordering this book. Thank you. I have been making our cleaning products for years via info on the net. I need a book to refer to.

    I'm releasing stuff too while at the same time bringing more in.....(scratching head)

  12. I have been wanting to use more natural cleaning products in our home, but struggle with quickly and easily figuring out what to use on what. I might need to order this book!

  13. Hey! I just found you and am already addicted to your blog, which is why I am on this post when I began at your latest post. ha!

    I had a question about your homemade bleach. If you pour it on something of color, will it "bleach it" or is it just a good stain remover?


    Thank you!
