Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lights and Beadboard Ceilings

Victoria Hagan Kitchen

Does any one else have a UFO...interrogation light floating on their cottage cheese ceiling? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for my kitchen, but that light makes me want to start confessing everything I ever did in my life that was wrong! My husband even hates it. And he NEVER says anything about decor in this house...he doesn't notice. So if he said something about the light...there's a problem. And those ceilings? Please, Please, Please Mr. Builder...stop putting cottage cheese on the ceilings...for the love of all women everywhere! STOP! We will be more apt about buying your house if you just say "NO" to the cottage cheese.

OK...I'm off my soapbox and have come up with a some solutions. I will need the help of my brother-in-law who can, literally, do anything. He rocks! I want to put beadboard on the ceilings...like the kitchen in the first photo. It just ooozes fresh charm.

I saw these light pendants at IKEA the last time I was there and thought 3 of these would dress my kitchen right up. These are $29.99 each. Love them! OR...

these...they're simple cottage if I ever saw it! And they're only $19.99 each...also from IKEA. These light fixtures with some beadboard will do a lot for my kitchen's ego! Has anyone put beadboard on the ceiling? How'd you do it? I need to be able to tell my BIL;0)

**Just found out my fairy blog mother is giving away a blog makeover over on her blog! Hurry, she's fabulous-ness wrapped up in a bow!


  1. I love beadboard ceilings! My mom has some in her house - it is wonderful!


  2. stumbled upon your blog while searching for how to slip cover an ottoman. Now i have read everything you have posted, love it all! thanks for sharing!

    anyhow, I am a lazy crafter at heart too and here is what i have done when I want "beadboard": I buy beadboard wallpaper, it's paintable and so easy to work with, just a straight edge and walla. now it says it is self sticking when wet, but it didn't work for me (I covered my island with it and a few walls), so I used spray adhesive, I have heard other people adhere it with wallpaper paint (but like I said I am lazy sooo, spray it is)...

  3. We have beadboard in the bathroom but not the ceiling...though I LOVE that look!!! Make sure you take pics of us if he does it for you so we can all do it!!!

  4. I think Canadian Cottage just did a beadboard thingy in her bedroom....

  5. I love the second pendant lights from Ikea. I'm gonna buy one for my bedroom...would that look weird hanging over my bed? maybe but I think i'll try it anyway. lol Oh and beadboard ANYWHERE is gorgeous!!

  6. So excited to see this post! I too have yucky cottage cheese. Not the type of cottage I am going for! I have some rooms where it was removed by previous owner (yeah) but not the cathedral ceiling in family room. I want to do either bead board or tongue in groove. Just cover up all that lumpy bumpy crap! Can't wait to see what you find out! Love both of those lights and wish I was still close to an IKEA.

  7. I agree with Kelsey, beadboard anywhere is beautiful. I wondered about the beadboard wallpaper as well. Sounds like it is good all around! I love the first set of lights. I bet that will make a HUGE difference! Be sure to update us!

  8. I have a couple of the second IKEA lights (found @ a thrift store for $5!)...since the bulb isn't inside glass, it can be kind of a pain finding one that both fits and gives you a nice glow instead of old-school interrogation lights...I have to admit the first ones are my favorite!

    I've also been wanting beadboard on my kitchen ceiling...please do share if you find out how to do it!

  9. Yes...why do builders do the cottage cheese ceilings! We scraped at least 4 areas of ceiling in our home getting rid of it. I love beadboard ceilings and have been thinking about doing this in our home too. Those lights...love them!! Can't wait to see what you will do.


  10. I have almost that same light, except circa late 70's metal corners. Yucky! And cottage cheese too! Oh yeah, ceiling cottage cheese, although I could possibly have it ... nevermind! ;-)
    Love the lighting ...I want to do the same thing. Take out the ugly and add 3 hanging fixtures.

  11. I second the comment for beadboard wallpaper from either Lowe's or Home Depot! Especially for a ceiling! I've never worked with it personally but the idea of struggling with large panels of 'real' beadboard or just wallpapering your ceiling seems like a no brainer to me! It is really thick & paintable (I'm in the process of re-doing my kitchen cabinets & have gone to the store and touched and priced it out.)

  12. oh my gosh, Pink, we have those ceilings too. We call it "popcorn". But it really looks more like cottage cheese. Too bad the cottage part doesn't make it more "appetizing" looking.

    My 6 yo just said TODAY, "Mom can we just scrape it all off. I'll sweep all the stuff up and put it in a bag".

    He wants bunk beds. Our ceilings are low, thus causing the stuff to fall into the top bunk. Gross!

    I love your light fixture choices! And bead board is amazing.

    There is also another technique that we are considering....12X12 faux tiles that you glue and stick on. They are made out of some kind of bendable material and look like tin squares. They all come in white and can be painted. I saw the video. Pretty amazing!

    Love your blog!

  13. Oh yeah and the first light, I can't remember where I saw it, but someone covered the cord with twine by hand crocheting (or knotting) around the cord. it really made the ikea light look amazing. they also painted the inside of the light with glass frosting.

  14. I love, love, love the idea of bead board on the ceiling. I used to have bead board on the ceiling of a few rooms in my old craftsmen style house and I miss that old house.

  15. love the beadboard and the lights...

  16. Karen the bloglessApril 4, 2010 at 12:31 AM

    DON'T DON'T DON'T use beadboard panels, whatever you do! That is not how to do a beadboard ceiling. My MIL did not know this, and she had them done with the panels, and they look hideous. You will never get the seams to look right, no matter how much caulk or paint you use. I am as much of a fan of "IDHTBPTBB" as the next decorating blogger fan, but trust me... UG.LY. Not being picky.

    You need to use actually tongue-and-groove beadboard slats, and stagger them like you would a hardwood floor. That is the "real" way. It is labor intensive, though.

    I can't speak for beadboard wallpaper on a ceiling.. I hope it wouldn't peel off! If that works, it would be GENIUS. Pure genius.
