Monday, March 15, 2010

Before and After Slipcover

I don't think I've ever shown the before picture of my sofa...well, here it is. I actually made this slipcover before blogging. So, I used the opportunity to take a before shot while washing my slips! It's a green check...not my style, but I loved the bones and the shape of it. And also the big fluffy cushions. I did buy it at a thrift store. Someone asked me about smells of thrift store furniture. Febreze can only do so much. I always sniff before I buy. I have passed up some great pieces because they didn't smell great. Use your best judgement.

I also, wanted to say a big "thanks" to everyone who participated in the Slipcover Party! I loved seeing all your before and afters and the slips you dressed your furniture in. There are some super talented, super detailed people out there! Make sure you check through all the links to see what and how people are making continue to reuse what they have. I'm sure we'll do this again. I hope we've inspired you to make some slips and to make your furniture new again!


  1. I keep SAYING I will make a slipcover or reupholster my wing chair. I may actually do it now. You made it look very "do-able"! I have a lot of fabric from draperies (not my style) that were given to me. The fabric is in beautiful shape and may be perfect for a first time project. Thanks for all the inspiration!!

  2. Love your slipped sofa. I'm about to start a slip for a wing chair, dreaded curves and all. Your slip cover party was great, I've really enjoyed seeing all the great slipcovers out there in blogland. Glad people are still adding their slips to the party. Sooo much inspiration!

  3. OMGosh, I missed the slipcover party!? I'm going to check out as many as I can. I do the sniff test at the thrift store too. LOL. I hope I never smell cat urine. Eww.
    If it doesn't smell like filth or animal potty, I'll buy it.
    I just covered a love seat almost the same shape as your green sofa. Those pleated huge rolled arms. We kind of did ours the same.

  4. I love the slipcover! I really want to cover my sofa's perhaps one day.

  5. It's so perfect! Sorry I missed the slipcover party - I was going to post my tablecloth slipcover!
    Have you ever made a cover for a leather couch or chair? Just wondering if it would work...

  6. Rhonda,
    I haven't slipcovered leather...but let us know if you do and how it turns out!

  7. So when you do a couch, do you do it like 2 chairs, i.e. seam down the middle of the back part of the couch or is the material wide enough??? I'm guessing you do the back part in 2 sections, one piece on each side of the middle of the couch so it covers the entire width of the couch?
